

1st Round : Technical

Duration  : 40 mins

Total Questions: 11 


1.       Tell me about yourself.

Ans: self explainatory and upto individual.

2. how to handle alerts in selenium

Ans: driver.switchTo().aletrts().accept();

                                         .dismiss(); NOT decline();


                                         .getText();  // to capture the alert message

Alert() is an Interface……………

3. find bigger and 2nd bigger number in a given array, java code.








4. Write a code on how to handle multiple windows in selenium.(refer wellsfargo for working demo)

Ans: Set<String> wh=driver.getWindowhandles(); NOT driver.getWindows()

String parentWinHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

for(String handle: winHandles){




            System.out.println("Title of the new window: " +


            System.out.println("Closing the new window...");




        // Switching the control back to parent window


5. Do you know about collections in Java

Ans: The Collection in Java is a framework that let you store and manipulate the group of objects. Java Collections can achieve all the operations that you perform on a data such as searching, sorting, insertion, manipulation, and deletion.


Java Collection framework provides many interfaces (Set, List, Queue, Deque) and classes (ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet).

6. Have you used groovy scripting?

Ans: yes

7. what is xml holder related to soap ui testing.

Ans: using a context variable with the "expand" method, we can access the request and response XML, as below:

If we want to parse and get the tag values in the request and response XML, we can do with the help of a class called XmlHolder. This is a class in the Groovy API which is used to parse the request and response XML


8. difference between soap and rest API.

Ans: As explained…Visit for more details.

9. RestAssured tool..?

Ans: didn’t use it

10. series of errors for APIs ??

Ans: 200- Success series,300-used for URL redirections, 400- client side errors,500- server errors

                200 OK

                201 Created

                400 Bad Request

400 is the generic client-side error status, used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate. Errors can be like malformed request syntax, invalid request message parameters, or deceptive request routing etc.

                404 Not found

                500 Internal Server Error

11. Different exception handlings.

Ans: using try, catch blocks and throws exceptions.. Visit for more details.


2nd Round : Managerial

Duration  : 40 mins

Total Questions : 11


1. Explain the framework that is implemented in your project.

Ans: As explained in the above video

2. how do you reduce the execution time of an existing selenium test suite(500 Tests). What sort of changes

needs to be done in the frame work to achieve this?

Ans: parallel execution…..

[my view]-by changing the object locator strategies

review the tests again and eliminate duplicates

create atomic test cases

review the waits strategy….. Avoid implicit waits, use chrome browser , try for headless browser, parallel execution

3. How do you do parallel executions.

Ans: with selenium grid…..

[my view] – As explained in the above video

4. how do you rate a good and bad performer.

Ans: As explained in the above video

5. if some one is late to office every time and he keeps saying his reasons how do you handle it.

Ans: As explained in the above video


6. What is xmlholder

Ans: Refer to 1st round.

7. Have you used collections

Ans: As explained in 1st round

8. How do you validate responses in postman

Ans: with the help of snippets

9. Why did you choose Katalon as an automation tool for API testing and why not postman

Ans: As explained

10. Can you execute tests cases for different test environments in postman, if yes how?

Ans: yes, As explained

11. how Katalon is better than postman.

Ans: As explained in the above video



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